
Islam Simplified is based on a series of lectures in Arabic by Dr. Tareq Suwaidan. The Al-Islam Bi Basatah (الاسلام ببساطة) was aired during Ramadan 2020 on Dr. AlSuwaidan’s new channel,, which is a digital platform focusing on Leadership & Mastery. The channel has been developed by Dr. AlSuwaidan to give you the flexibility of watching at your own pace.

But why another book on Islam? Why is this effort unique? The common prevalent way to present Islam is through the “What” and “How” of Islam. Islam is about the five pillars of Islam. Iman (Faith) is about the 6 pillars of Iman. Then the focus is on “How” to say the Shahadah, “How” to pray, pay the Zakah, fast, and perform the Hajj Pilgrimage. This approach is practical and has many benefits. It is also deep in traditions. But when we ask the practicing Muslim and also Muslim scholars on the “Why” (purpose, goal, objective) of Islam, we get different and sometimes wrong answers. Islam Simplified introduces Islam simply and comprehensively by presenting the overall framework of Islam that highlights the goals of Islam and its major components. It takes a wholesome and goal-oriented view of Islam so that Muslims and non-Muslims will understand clearly the “Why” of Islam.

There is a trend today to talk about purpose and to find meaning in life and the things we do. With all the many other new trends and ideas, and proliferation of new technologies, we can be pulled along many different directions unless we get our purpose intact.

Islam has acknowledged this importance of purpose and meaning a long time ago. Unfortunately, this understanding has gotten lost when we Muslims debate and differ on detailed issues related to certain rulings in Islam or certain questions about the creed. Most Muslims no longer understand the noble and lofty goals of Islam. This book intends to present again these goals in a unified and comprehensive manner.

Islam Simplified Understanding Islam Through Its Goals - Dr Tareq Suwaidan


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100 in stock

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Weight 0.45 kg
Dimensions 17.5 × 1 × 24.9 cm



Dr Tareq AlSuwaidan


LeadUS, Pustaka Aman Press Sdn Bhd



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